Watermelon Mule

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Spircy gingerbeer, blended with watermelon extract, fresh lime and 26000 Vodka!

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Dry cocktails with an excellent rum funk.

Bright and refreshing using Sandymount's popular Blackberry Liqueur, for a berry citrus Bramble.

Damson Plum & Blackberry Gin, Plumm Jam, Lemon, Orange, Foam

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Lashings of Smooth Caramel Malt Whisky and Malborough Sea Salt

A perfect balance of fragrant and spicy native gin, and sweet tangy yuzu lemonade.

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Classic Juniper forward Irish Gin served with East Imperial Yuzu Tonic

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Albar's Original Salted Caramel Whisky topped with Apple Juice, Soda & Lime

An exotic libation with No8 Pineapple Rum, Coconut milk, Passion Fruit, Lime Juice.