Martin Taylor's Razzle Dazzle


A vibrant reddish/pink tart Raspberry Sour

Similar Beverages

A remake of a previous Dunedin breweries sour. Hope you like lemongrass!

Big berry hits of boysenberry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and blackcurrant.

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Lemonade lemon sour beer yum

Acid raindrops is a collection of weird and wonderful kettle sours which are always changing.

A medium/full bodied sour brimming with juicy pink guava and hoppy citrus vibes with a soft sweet coconut finish.

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As with the Colar Beer and Colar Beer Cherry, we are bringing a bit of spice to the game. We want Cherry and Vanilla to head-to-head to see what's your favourite flavoured cola! The really cool part is you can mix and match with these too! Yum, a Cherry Vanilla Cola!Flavours: The same delicious cola nostalgia as Colar Beer, but dosed with just the right amount of lactose and vanilla. It's like a canned Ice Cream float!

A vibrant deep pink sour conditioned on a hectic load of central Otago cherry purée. Straight up zingy with a sweet jammy cleansing sour finish.

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Epic Fruited Sour with Pineapple and Guave, get freaky!