Empire Strike Back


Ye olde apples from the old country, collected on the Pigroot and press ganged into a tasty cider

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Fresh picked real fruit yield intense flavours of boysenberries against a crisp cider background.

D is for delicious! New gold from the old mining town of St Bathans. Fresh, well rounded and crisp

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A lightly hopped  cider to add a crispness and clean finishing. A great summer refresher.

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Rhurbarb cider created for a princess

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Strawberries with a dash of zesty lime combined with an apple base. A twist on the beloved cocktail

Plundered from across the northern border of the Lindis and Mackenzie country. Tangy reds are back!

Lovingly crafted with berry fruit juices for a tarty, vibrant and moreish taste sensation.

Pearing out from the Blue Lake depths this wee beauty of a perry has a lovely sweet  soft taste